Remove duplicate strings within a cell

Hi I have a list of names copied from a webpage that when pasted in Libre Calc they appear twice within one cell.
Example of what I need. Eliminate repeated strings.ods (10.2 KB)

I have in column B
name1 name1
name2 name2
name3 name3

How to remove all repeated names, leaving the first intact?

The result I expect is

Note: I’m a pretty basic user of |Libre Calc and I don’t know much about programming and stuff but I can follow steps.
Note: I saw there a is a code someone made for excel for that matter but I don’t know how to transfer those steps into Libre Calc or if there is a more simpler solution.

Thank you very much in advance.

If the names are only a single word then the easiest is to ensure C column is blank, if needed insert a column. Select the names, then click Data > Text to columns and make sure space is ticked under Separator options, you should see two columns with a name in each in the preview. Click OK.

If there are double-barrelled names, e.g. "Mary Jane Mary Jane " then you need something different. I don’t know if there would be a trailing space or not, but this formula in column C should extract the names, =LEFT(B3,INT(LEN(TRIM(B3))/2)) even with a trailing space. After acquiring the names copy column C and Edit > Paste Special > Paste Unformatted Text to paste the names over the formula. You can then delete column B

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I tried to apply your formula but since I have the spanish verison of Libre Calc I had to search the conversion for the formula in this link:
Formulas de Calc Español - Inglés - Apache OpenOffice Wiki
but the conversion for TRIM wich in Spanish should be REDUCIR seems to not be any formula in my program, wich is version

I guess that’s a question for another topic, but thank you very much I think it should have worked perfectly if I had the English version.

TRIM removes spaces at the beginning and end of a string in a cell, so in Spanish ESPACIOS (from TRIM • Excel-Translator)
TRIM can be left out, it is belt and braces, so just =LEFT(B3,INT(LEN(B3)/2)) but if there is a trailing space in B then the trailing space will still be there in C which might cause problems if you use VLOOKUP or other functions.

NOTE: you can set Calc to use English function names, the setting is in Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Formula, tick box Use English formula names or similar

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Great!! Works perfect too thanks you for the extra explanation, I used the excel translator you mentioned, applied your first formula and everything works as expected, learned a lot, in the future I will use the settings to use the English formulas to not complicate myself :+1: :+1: :+1:

Put in a new column on row 3:
and drag the formula down.
Once done, you can copy the result of the new column back to the first column using the paste special option “Values only”.


Thank you so much it works like magic!! :smiley: