Remove huge extra space around document?

new here and im stuck on this basic but frustrating issue i hope someone can help!

i am making some labels and i need to zoom for detail…this seems to create a huge space all around the document and if i scroll up the space takes up the whole page and i cant see the document at all…the scroll function also seems SUPER sensitive, not how my defaults usually work on other programs and in windows itself…

so really i cant even navigate the page to make edits without frustration…

i dont understand why the page just doesnt fit the workspace? is that possible?
i dont need all that extra space im sure i just need a desktop the same size as the document im working on…then if i scroll to top it will be at the top of the page im working on and not teleporting me to no mans land.

i found one way to “move” the document and thought i had it, but it keeps adding empty space even if i do that it just refuse to put the document at top for functional scrolling(esp while zoomed)

kind regards

View > Zoom > Entire Page menu.
Or klick in the Statusbar on the “Fit page to current window” sign.

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In addition, these keyboard shortcuts are useful, Shortcut Keys for Drawings


unfortunatly that breaks my custom zoom im trying to work with…i know how to change the zoom…but that doesnt change the problem about the extra space all around the document, which is an extra problem at the zoom level i use most often…

if that helps to clarify?

What would help diagnose the issue is a sample file. Also, mention OS name and LO version.

I used to use ÷ on number pad to zoom into selection and then * on number pad to zoom out.

Now I just use Ctrl+Scroll


Are you using the Label wizard (File > New > Labels, see Address labels in Writer - The Document Foundation Wiki)? In which case you are in Writer. Or, are you constructing them in Draw?

In Windows I set the mouse to scroll two lines per click which works for pretty much everything. Some computers are set a page per click which would be unworkable.