Renaming cell to C in calc

Hey, I’m trying to rename cells in Calc for a music transposition tool I’m making. All the other letters (such as A or G) work perfectly well, only if I try to type in the letter C, the Define Name returns “Invalid name, only use letters, numbers and underscore.” As if C weren’t a letter or what… Does anyone have the same problem?

Yes - I have

It’s clearly a (very strange) bug, I think. (Verified with V4.4.3 under Win 8.1)

Inherited from OOo… I do not know why either. It is not even a function name unlike B which is accepted …

I’m wondering why Calc accepts other single(twin,triple) Letters, which are not clearly distinguishable from regular Columns-Names

Well usually a cell name is a combination of a letter and a number, like B3 etc. By renaming a cell to just a letter you don’t create a conflict…