Renaming LibreOffice Base Report on MySQL DB on a new computer?

I have an .odb file with a report that works well on my home computer. I would like to use this report on my laptop while I am away, but don’t want to modify the original report. When I copy the report to a different name (or the same name in a different directory), it fails to run saying that it couldn’t open ./embeddedob/source/commonembedding/xfactory.cxx:227 If I run the original file, it seems to work, but the DB connection is incorrect.

I don’t want to change the database connection on my original, because I am worried about making it unusable at home. It is a very difficult report to rewrite.

Is there any way to get a copy of this report working that has a different name or location. Of note, the folder where the report is located has NO hidden files or folders…and no “embeddedob” folder

Base reports are embedded in the Base document. They do run if the embedding Base document has a connection to its database.

But that is what you should do. Make a copy of your database document. Leave the original on the first computer. WIth the copy at home you may have to change the connection URL.
Can you reach that database server from home anyway?

Thanks for your response. Let me clarify. The report, on computer #1, runs perfectly and reaches the database server, etc. It is identically copied on computer #2 because it is in Dropbox. When I run it on computer #2, it is giving me an error that it can’t reach the database. I am fairly certain that I could modify it to reach the database from computer #2. However, since it is in Dropbox, it will then be modified on computer #1 because of the replication/syncronization. So, I don’t want to change it.

So, I made a copy with a different name and it gave the error about the embeddeddoc. I copied it with the same name to another folder, and it also gave the same error.

Thanks for thinking about this with me. I look forward to your answer. I do realize that I could modify the copy on #2, get it working, and then use Dropbox’s restore function on computer #1. But there should be SOME way to make a copy of a base report and use it on another computer…

Drop the Dropbox. Always use local copies of your database and use Dropbox to synchronize the local copies. While working with the database, nothing needs to be saved anyway. The database document remains untouched as long as you do not modify your queries, forms and reports. All the data go to the MySQL server. However, you may need to change the database URL for specific client computers, so this is the only detail which may differ. Therefore keep local, unsynced copies of the database document on the client computers.
Get your local copy on the other computer, call menu:Edit>Database>Properties… and adjust the URL, so you get access to that MySQL server.

There is a local copy of the odb file. When I do Edit Database Properties and “Test Connection” it says that the Connection was successful. However, when I double click to open the report (as I typically do on my first computer), it gives me this error (below). Is it possible that it is some issue with connecting Base to Libre Office Writer, where the report appears? It doesn’t appear to be related to the DB connection, but something else about the report .


Also, I have saved .odt files for each month I run the report. When I click on the most recent, I can view the data and it is live - connected to the database with the most up to date data. The only issue is I can’t generate a new report from the odb file.

That’s weird. Just to prove that the connection actually works, can you open tables and queries?
Just in case there is something wrong with the embedded report in one document, I would try to open the working version and the one with the failing report and copy the working report from one document to the other. This does even work when the document is not connected to any database.
Copy query, form or report:
Copy the icon from the source document, activate the target document and the right query/form/report container therein, right-click paste or Ctrl+V. Alternatively, put the windows side by side, select the same container and drag the object from one window to the other.

Will try this but note - the document that doesn’t open is an odb. Usually I double click and it creates an odt in read only mode. All my odt documents are connected to the MySQL server db.

I would be all set if I could figure out how to update one of my saved odt docs with the new data.

Your answer here suggests this is impossible. Is that still the case 12 years later?

My usual way for this is opening the .odb, then executing the report and saving under the same name as .odt (Can be automated by macro).
But if you can not open your .odb this will not help you with your

Stand-alone, dynamic reports, contrary to snapshots saved from embedded reports, are possible. IMHO, Calc is quite usable for this. There are several macros for Writer filling Writer tables with record sets.