repeat of sheet reference in formula bar

Is there a way of avoiding reference to the sheet in the formula bar when cells are referenced in the same sheet?

For example, on a sheet called ‘PremiumBonds’ I write the formula:
and this appears in the formula bar as:

I would like to cancel the sheet reference ‘PremiumBonds’ in all formulae on this sheet. I seem to remember that this was not a problem in earlier versions.

Hope this question is clear enough. Maybe there’s a simple way round this but I haven’t found it.
Grateful for any suggestions, thanks.

I think it was an issue time ago, please what is your LibreOffice version?

Problem not yet solved. Any solutions gratefully acknowledged.
I’m using Libreoffice Version:
Build ID: 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial10

As @mariosv mentioned, you should try a newer version, which should not have this problem.

Apologies for the carelessly written formula above, now edited.
There are many formulae on several sheets in my workbook, some of the formulae are quite long and complicated. Every formula contains many redundant sheet references.
Reading/checking/modifying the formulae becomes very much more difficult.
I hope someone somewhere can suggest a way round this. Editing each formula individually and removing the offending sheet reference is very time-consuming and works until the workbook is closed and opened again, when the offending sheet references reappear.
Renaming the sheet using underscores or Camel case also doesn’t work.
Very grateful for a solution, thanks

Please upgrade. It’s an old bug solved long time ago.

Do you mean upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 or upgrade Libeoffice?

Please go ahead and update your LibreOffice version,

In addition to updating the LibreOffice version, it is relatively easy to remove redundant sheet references using search and replace.