ReplaceAll only works once per macro run

Hi, I am writing a macro to translate PDF documents based on dictionary text file by automating Replace All function, where each line on the text file represents one translation string, for example:


Here is my macro:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

CONST DICTPATH = "D:\EN SP dictionary.txt"

Sub Main	
	Dim loadedDict As Variant		
	Set loadedDict = LoadDictionaryFromFile(DICTPATH)
	Dim dictKey as Variant
	For Each dictKey In loadedDict.Keys()
    	ReplaceAll(dictKey, loadedDict.Item(dictKey))
End Sub

Function ReplaceAll(searchString, replacementString) As Long
	Dim oReplace as Object
	Dim oDrawPages as Object
	Dim oDrawPage as Object
	oDrawPages = ThisComponent.getDrawPages()
	for Each oDrawPage in oDrawPages
		oReplace = oDrawPage.createReplaceDescriptor
		oReplace.setSearchString( searchString )
		oReplace.setReplaceString( replacementString )
		ReplaceAll = oDrawPage.replaceAll( oReplace )
End Function

Function LoadDictionaryFromFile() As Scripting.Dictionary
	Dim FSO As Object, MyFile As Object
 	Dim FileName As String, Arr As Variant

 	FileName = DICTPATH
 	Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 	Set MyFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, 1)
	Arr = Split(MyFile.ReadAll, Chr(13))
    Dim loadedDict As Variant	
	loadedDict = CreateScriptService("Dictionary")
    Dim arrString as String
    For Each arrString in Arr
    	Dim arrStringSplit as Variant
    	arrStringSplit = Split(arrString, "=")
    	loadedDict.Add(arrStringSplit(0), arrStringSplit(1))
    LoadDictionaryFromFile = loadedDict
End Function

As you can see, it loads the text file, parses it to turn it’s contents into a dictionary variable (I confirmed that this part definitely works), and then runs a loop to replace all matching English strings with Spanish translations.

The issue is that while the loop runs twice in this example, it only replaces the first instances of the string (all “Hello” get replaced by “Hola”, but “Bye” does not get replaced by “Adios”). If I swap them in my dictionary text file, then “Bye” gets replaced, but “Hello” does not.

So clearly the oDrawPage.replaceAll function only works once per macro run, and I can’t figure out why. Do I need to run some additional API call to allow replaceAll to be work again or something? Some kind of refresh maybe?

Let’s test your ReplaceAll function together.
Please upload a (short) example document and an example call to the ReplaceAll function, in which only the first occurrence of searchString is replaced.