Replacing Microsoft Fonts

This blog post was very helpful: LibreOffice Tips & Tricks: Replacing Microsoft Fonts - The Document Foundation Blog

I have followed its suggestions, and now my old docs look much better without having to manually tweak them.

This blog post lists about 15 fonts.
Is there a fuller list of replacement table that can cover more MS related fonts?

I found a list once but I don’t know where, maybe I have added some to the attached list.

Not all of the possible substitute fonts are good for every purpose, or even for a single document. Even those shown as metrically equivalent might reflow text over a full page compared to the original.

Where possible prefer the substitute with the largest families like Raleway or Roboto, otherwise it is up to you whether you want closest visual match or nearest metrically. There are more fonts out there than there was when I started using the list so check around. My first port of call is usually Google Fonts.
FontSubstitutes.odt (27.0 KB)

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