It is with great absurdity that I post this question. I do not know why my kit: Writer Version:, does not work as suggested in the posts I’ve tried, but it does not. This feels like a “where’s the `anykey’ key?” question, but it is not. It is a simple search and replace task. And I’ve worked with RE/PCRE for a very long time. (I love sed!)
I need to replace: “ENTERKEY”“ENTERKEY” with “ENTERKEY”. That’s as literal as I can state it. In ODT format, “ENTERKEY”“ENTERKEY” produces:
<text:p text:style-name=“Text_20_body”/><text:p text:style-name=“Text_20_body”/>
which is literal to the “content.xml” file, but not useful within LO Writer. So, does anyone have a list of text equivalents of these ODT objects? PCRE even? That work?
I think part of the trouble is that LO Writer had to convert screen content into buffer content, both ways. From the file to the screen, and from the user input into whatever its internal format happens to be. Since ODT seems to be (is) css type markup nested inside xml makrup tags, “source” options would be very powerful indeed.
For now, I’d like to search and replace these double thingees with a single thingee.