Reporting Website typos

Where can I report typos on the LibreOffice website?


Either send them to the mailinglist (, or write them to the #tdf-infra IRC-channel on freenode.

But please always include the full URL of the page, the error (i.e. what currently is written) & the fix (i.e. what should be written there instead)

While you might not get a reply on the irc-channel, people will usually read the backlog, i.e. what was written in their absence/when they weren’t sitting in front of their IRC window/are busy with other things.

A last way would be to file a bugreport. But if it is just a typo, this is overkill. Mailinglist or irc-channel are preferred.

Of course if you intend to do a “audit” of the site as opposed to spotting errors “by accident”, you’re welcome to get involved and fix them yourself. In that case please subscribe to the website mailinglist and say hello :slight_smile:

Found it: