Retrieving template version

How can I retrieve the version of the template upon which current document is based?

I thought of using File>Properties to store a version number in a custom property. Unfortunately, properties, like initial contents, are not “monitored” once the .odt document is created.

This behaviour is part of the game: forwarding modified template initial contents could delete data in the real document because this initial contents could have been edited. Similarly, properties may have been changed for document purpose and forcing them to new template values would result in data loss.

The question is: which trick could I use in the template so that some value can be retrieved to be inserted (as a field?) to echo the template value in the document and have this field follow changes in the template?

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There may be a better way, but when I had this requirement years ago (using MS Word) I had a macro that updated the version information based on the last save date/time. Another useful thing is enabling “Edit document properties before saving”.

Best practice would be to use a document management system which takes care of all that for you but for small scale is often to expensive (in time and money)