return value from column if text matches in calc

I have a list of part number (100,101,102,103…) I want to search for that number in column A of every sheet, and if the number appears then return the value that appears in column C of that row,


column A of sheet 1 has the following:
row 1: 101

row 2: 102

row 3: 103

sheet 1 column B row 1 would search for the value of column A row 1 “101” in column A of sheet 2 and if it was there, then it would show the number that appeared in the same row as column C of sheet 2.

sheet 1 column C row 1 would search for the value of column A row 1 “101” in column A of sheet 3 and if it was there, then it would show the number that appeared in the same row as column C of sheet 3.

Same thing for sheet 1 column B row 2 except it would look for the value of column A row .

If the part number does not appear then a value of 0 or blank would appear.

Thank you in advance




That sort of worked, but if the part number matches in doesn’t put the correct quantity in the cell.

Sheet 2 has qty 42 A3 rivets, but “2” appears in the cell and not 42