Right-to-left and Left-to-right buttons are always inactive and won't be added to the list of buttons

I uninstalled and reinstalled libreoffice few times, I also tried the Beta version, and every time it’s the same. the right-to-left nd left-to-right buttons are in the drop-down list but are inactive (grey), and even when they’re active, clicking them doesn’t change a thing. Please help me fix them, I type in Arabic and English and without them texts are all messed up. Thanks in advance.

And you have set Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages -> Option: [x] Complex text layout to one of the Arabic variants? If I do so the buttons become active.

The LibreOffice team should ideally enable “Complex text layout” by default. It took me a while to find this inquiry and solution.

Big thanks to @anon73440385 !