RTD & Charts updating

I’m using RTD (real-time data) everything updates (values) the problem I’m having,
CHARTS do not update on there own, unless I interact with the sheet (ie. selecting an empty cell and clicking the “B” Bold to activate) and then the charts will update with the current RTD data.

How do I get the CHARTS to automatically update on there own?

Thank U in advance for any help provided.

There is a way to do it without macros, linking a file to itself and setting the update time interval.
Please take a look to the attached file with a chart
timer.ods (22.3 KB)
The link was created Menu/Sheet/Link to external data, selecting the file as source, to a range name with 1 second interval.
You can see how it is set up on Menu/Edit/Link to External files.

Thank U, but I’m not able to follow what you’re describing.

Are you able to upload a small video on the steps or provide a sequence of steps to follow

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