RTF being opened by Draw

An .rtf file I created in Writer is being opened by Draw. I’ve selected “open with Writer” and tried to open it directly from Writer. The file is not corrupt, it opens in WordPad.

Windows 7 64
Libre Office v 242.2.51
File 7.50 MB

Sounds like you selected “open with Write”, not “open with WRITER”. Write was replaced with Wordpad by Microsoft at some point and from memory it redirected to Wordpad.

I’m selecting WRITER. That it opens in Draw when using Writer itself seem odd to me. It’s the only file doing this.

Can you share/upload the file for inspection? You may have to cheat a bit and rename to file.rtf.odt first, as this site doesn’t accept all types.
(My concern is, if your rtf is really a pdf, wich is usually opened in Draw, because it is more a bunch of graphic objects…)


I spent the last four days trying to open this in Writer, and it finally opened. Should I still upload it?

There was a second rtf file created somehow, and this was the one giving me issues. I’m adding a dropbox link since rtf won’t upload.


It is a PDF file, not RTF. LibreOffice opens PDF files with Draw by default.

First line of the file:

1 Like

The message of the dropbox:

.rtf files are supported but something went wrong.

(Yes, it is a PDF file. Do not rename a PDF file to RTF file name extension. It will not (it can not) change the file type.)

Thank you both! I’m not sure how this file was created, icon changed, etc, but I’m glad I have an answer.

One of the problems in Windows is not showing extensions by default (can be changed in settings for explorer) combined with the concept not to show an icon for the type of a file, but wich program wii be called, when I double-click/open. My system will show Firefox, if I set it as default software to show pdf… Can be quite confusing.