Same formula but different results, why

Same formula is there in both cells but getting different results. Please help.

b.ods (10.8 KB)

Thank you.

I think the quotes used in A2 are different than the quotes used in A1. But it is difficult to tell without a file. You can upload your example by using the 7th button on the toolbar.

I guessed @robleyd used b.ods found above the first screenshot.

Thank you @Wanderer, I missed the file! Funnily enough, I cannot remove the extra parenthesis, I suppose this is due to the use of the curly quotes instead of straight quotes. Changing the double quotes fixes the problem.

It isn’t exactly the same formula; in A1:

and in A2:

Notice the extra closing parenthesis.

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I do not see the extra parenthesis but maybe the initial post was edited after your comment…

And what’s more important, notice the different quote marks - straight double quotes U+0022 vs. “right double quotation mark” U+201d.


Totally missed that as I simply copied the first, correct formula into the following cell after noticing the extra bracket…

Extra closing parenthesis appear afterwards for my case, main culprit is curly quote.

If you write formula starting with = sign then straight quotes are written otherwise curly quotes without = sign. I am used to drafting a formula without = sign and then I put = sign before draft which introduces curly quotes into formula and gives error.

I unchecked replace option from autocorrect options - localised options for ease, as now I get straight quotes by default everywhere.

Thanks, I was enduring this since long.