I have the latest Windows 10 version and LO (x64). Writer doesn’t save the last position despite the steps I have undertaken mentioned on https://www.libreofficehelp.com/how-to-save-the-last-cursor-position-in-libreoffice-writer/. I’m wondering if the length of the document has anything to do with this. The document has 766 pages and when I open the document it initially says that there are 852 pages and then it counts back until arriving at the correct number.
Could somebody please help me. Many thanks.
It is a bug, you’ve to use 7.1.2 (now released, not yet tested personally): Bug 140147 - position of cursor not saved.
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I am the author of that page. A couple of questions as you explained two issues
a) Is the count of the pages wrongly shown initially?
b) Did you try to view the page count from menu dialog/properties?
c) What happened with last cursor position? Is it not working.
As I said, it’s a bug, one of the reasons I reverted to 7.0.
a) yes
b) taskbar
c) not working, just appears somewhere in document
Interestingly enough, according to the last comment (#17) in the bug report, the way it has been “fixed” may not fix the issue at all!
I just did some test: my computer remembers the last position when it is a “small” document but not when it is a “large” one as mentioned above.
Yes, the answer is therefore that it is a bug but difficult to say if and when it will be fixed.
Why is this a correct answer (I can only see requests for additional information, which do not answer the question and hence should be a comment)?