"Save preview image" - changing default to "no" (changing GenerateThumbnail seems to have no effect)

I know that the GenerateThumbnail Boolean value is supposed to change the default of “Save preview image” (on File | Properties) to unchecked. But it doesn’t seem to have any effect…

Tools | Options | Libreoffice | Advanced | Open Expert config, search for GenerateThumbnail and change state to False.

If I close Writer and restart it, the value of that field is persistent: having set it to False, it stays at False. But if I create a new document, the File | Properties “Save preview image” is still checked.

It’s no great hardship to uncheck it manually, but I’m curious that other people in the past have said that changing GenerateThumbnail works for them.

I’ve tried V7.6.7.2 on Windows 7 and V24.2.5 on Win 10, and both do the same thing.

Do you maybe use a custom template, which has this setting enabled, so the global setting that relates to files created without any templates doesn’t affect your case maybe?

I’m not aware of anything in a customised template. I just did an out-of-the-box installation of LibreOffice in each case. I’m not actually sure how to create a custom template, though I’ll go looking for one, now you’ve mentioned it.

It’s no great hardship to unset it manually the first time I create/save a new document: I was just curious.

I even wondered whether changing the Boolean had an effect silently on new docs, without changing the check box on File | Properties. :wink:

Reproducible (no custom template whatosoever).

With GenerateThumbnail set to False and File | Properties “Save preview image with this document” still checked, the thumbnail preview is not generated.