I am having the same problem reported back in 2016 in this closed thread. In short, bringing in a file created in Powerpoint-windows into my Linux Lite version of Impress works fine so long as I do nothing to the file. I can go into presentation mode and the file displays (mostly, with the exception of font rendering) as intended. However, if I make the slightest edit to the file and save it in pptx format, when I open it subsequently, the last bullet of text in most pages is gone. The text is just removed. However, if I save the edits to .odp format, the content remains intact. Does anyone know if there is more than a work-around solution? For those of us collaborating with folks using Powerpoint-windows, who want to stay in .pptx format, saving to .odp or .ppt does not seem practical.
(I will be glad to provide the file in question as a test case for debugging if needed.)