Scaling with win10 text scaling



Format: .odt

OS: win10

Trying to achieve: Not losing the cut-out on a picture in different text scaling.

What did I do for that: Started the document on 1920x1200 screen with 100% scaling, disconnected screen and wanted to finish the document on the couch. The screen of the laptop has 1920x1080 and seems to have a text scaling of 125% which i did not know that it was set. Googling for a solution, and I found that the problem seems to be the scaling factor in windows10.

Lovely greeting to everybody who is reading my post.

This is how it looks with 100%.
2024-10-17 15_30_40-120561.pdf — Mozilla Firefox

And what is the question? You say “this is how it should look” but we have no idea how it displays presently. Please, give more details. For this:

  • click on … below the question
  • then click on the “pencil” tool
  • you’re now in edit mode; you can modify your question.

Tell us what you want to achieve (in “artistic” terms), what you did for that and what you get. Don’t forget to mention clearly OS name (assuming Win 10), LO version (all four numbers) and save format.

For best advice attach a sample file or a reduced version of your document.

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Looks like it might be Bug 84800 - VIEW: Cropping image interferers with scaling of the the windows environment

I suggest you add yourself to the CC list so you are advised of any changes and to add weight to the bug which might help it get a developers attention.

Crop the image in a graphics tool before inserting it.
Or right click the image, select Edit in external tool and crop it there. Close the external tool and OK the save image.

This is how it looks with 125% scaling
2024-10-17 15_30_03-120561.odt – LibreOffice Writer

!!!Sorry new users can only put one embedded media item in a post!!!

This not a solution to your question! You must not use an Answer to provide additional details. The procedure is outlined above.

When done, delete your “non-answer”. Only you as post owner can do it. I’ll then delete my comment.