Your “Literature” part looks like a bibliography. There is a rudimentary bibliography in Writer. If your need is not too sophisticated, it could do the trick.
You create first your list of “sources” in the built-in bibliography database and give each entry an “id” like KANT2025. You can insert in your text references like [KANT2025] with Insert
>Bibliography Entry
. You select one of the entries and the id surrounded by brackets in put into your text.
At the end of the document, the complete list of used entries is inserted with Insert
>TOC & Index
>TOC, Index or Bibliography
I don’t understand how detailed your footnotes are. They look as if they duplicate bibliography. They are useful when they are more precise about the citation, e.g. you can have
“1 [KANT2025] page 45 line 10”
In this example I insert the (“global”) bibliography reference in the footnote and add more information to locate the citation.
In Writer, note anchor (in text) is always a hyperlink to the note. Reciprocally, the note number (in the note) is a hyperlink to the anchor in text.
Writer offers both footnotes and endnotes. As the name implies, footnotes are laid out at the bottom of the page wjhere the anchor occurs. Endnotes are collected at the very end of the document. Setting the endnotes in another location is not easy. You must jail a part of the text in a section (beware, what Writer calls a section a special feature designating some range within the document) and request notes to be collected at end of it. This is not user-friendly.
In addition, you can’t insert non-note text in the middle of the endnotes.Consequently adding headings must be done with a fake endnote (you replace its callout by a space character) you attach at an adequate location in your text (near the beginning for a global title). To make it look like a heading, you apply some paragraph style to the note. Take special attention to possible interaction with TOC.
For more detailed and targetd instruction, improve your “specification”. And don’t forget to mention OS name, LO version (because of subtle differences between platforms and releases) and save format (most recipes are only valid for .odt document).