Script to automate translating cells in a spreadsheet

This isn’t a question, so much as it’s a solution that I believe will help others.
I crafted it partly by using chatgpt and scouring documentation on how to write scripts with python.
This is the result. I hope it helps somebody out there.

import uno

# Get the uno component context from the PyUno runtime
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()

# Get the uno service manager from the context
smgr = localContext.ServiceManager

# Get the desktop object
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("", localContext)

from subprocess import run, PIPE

# Translates a string from German to English using the CLI tool `crow`.
def translateText(de_string):
    if not isinstance(de_string, str):
        de_string = str(de_string)
    crow_args = ["crow", "-s", "de", "-t", "en", "--brief", "-i"]
    proc = run(crow_args, stdout=PIPE, input=de_string, encoding="utf-8")
    return proc.stdout.rstrip('\n')

# Advances the position of the cursor by one cell down.
def moveDownOne(model, sheet, cell):
    # Get the position of the current cell
    current_col = cell.CellAddress.Column
    current_row = cell.CellAddress.Row

    next_col = chr(ord('@') + (current_col + 1))
    next_row = current_row + 2

    # Get the range of cells in the sheet
    cell_range = sheet.getCellRangeByName(f'{next_col}{next_row}')

    # Get the cell in the next row
    next_cell = cell_range.getCellByPosition(0, 0)

    # Set the current selection to the next cell

# Translates the text of a cell from German to English then moves down by one cell.
def translateCell():
    model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()

    # Get the sheet from the model
    sheet = model.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
    selection = model.getCurrentSelection()
    cell = selection.getCellByPosition(0, 0)

    de_string = cell.getString()

    if de_string != "":
        en_string = translateText(de_string)

    moveDownOne(model, sheet, cell)

If I recall correctly, this script only works if you start libreoffice like this:
soffice --calc --accept="uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"

You also must have the command line utility crow installed in order to translate text.

Let me know if you encounter any problems.

No thats False!
the function translateCell() may work if:

  • …there is »crow« installed on your os
  • …you run the function from a calc-Document via GUI (→Tools→Makros→Makros execute…)

You’re right, crow is required in order to run this. I updated the original post to reflect this.
Also yes, I must have added this as a macro (I also managed to bind it to a key-combination).

and here are the essentials from these code snippets thrown together by “chatgpt”:

from subprocess import run, PIPE

# Translates a string from German to English
# using the CLI tool `crow`.

def translateText(de_string):    
    crow_args = ["crow", "-s", "de", "-t", "en", "--brief", "-i"]
    proc = run(crow_args,
    return proc.stdout.rstrip('\n')

def translateCell():
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    selection = doc.getCurrentSelection()
    de_string = selection.String

    if de_string:
        en_string = translateText(de_string)