Search for duplicate entries in calc

I need to search for duplicate entries in calc. How can this be accomplished

Any search only makes sense if the results are used in one or another way.
What means are appropriate for the serach may heavily depend on what should be achieved then.
A few examples:
Highlight? (All? All but the first occurrence? How make a difference between duplicates of different originals?)
Jump to? (Which one?)
Output findings? (As references? by Row? By Index? :: As a result calculated from the contents?)
Select the findings to a different range? (What accompanying data?)

You shouldn’t expect users trying to help to guess “correctly”, or to write a tutorial concerning all the variants. Supply an example as .ods also containing what you want to get (hand-made).

It depends on how the data are presented and how you want to find them.

See if that helps: [Solved] Find duplicates. Else, many other topics about finding duplicates in the forum.

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Conditional Formatting - Condition 1: Cell value is duplicate