Search previous/backwards in writer

Even though it seems like this question has been asked before, it isn’t. This doesn’t involve any complicated scenario.

I have mapped the key F3 to the repeat search command (I think it is called “.unoRepeatSearch”). If I used the search/find/find & replace dialogue to search for something, I can then close those dialogues and press F3 to repeat that search.
Now I want to go backwards and find a previous match to my query, or to just search from the cursor back to the beginning of the document.
In the dialogue box (or bar) there are 2 arrows. The down arrow acts like “repeat search.” Now I want to go backwards and so I click on the other arrow: up.
I cannot seem to do this without the dialogue box/bar.

I feel very dump about this, or that I am being gaslit by the entire world.
Is it wrong for me to want to press Shift+F3 in order to search backwards?

I apologize for everything.

I just noticed that if I leave open the find & replace dialog and select its replace backwards option, and then return to the main document window, pressing F3 goes backwards. Please note that this is a weird work-around and NOT a solution or real answer to my question.
Also, is it just me, or does the “replace backwards” option unselect itself while still allowing this behavior to persist, but like just this one time.
Is the find & replace dialog mocking me?
Is the tick mark on the replace backwards option in some sort of quantum state of superposition where there is a chance for it to go away if I am not watching it?

I just don’t know, anymore.

This question on a third party site might help, search - Keyboard shortcuts for “Find Next” and “Find Previous” in LibreOffice - Super User