Search toolbar not staying where I put it

I want to put the Find toolbar on the top left of the window. The place where by default, new file, save etc are. While I can move the find bar there, it doesn’t stay put if I close it, or LibreOffice, it always jumps back to its previous position to the right of the top toolbar. Neither lock nor unlocked toolbars makes a difference to this behaviour.

I’m running LO 24.2

Please try:

Personal Data in LibreOffice

I have no idea what to do with this information or how it is relevant to my problem.

In earlier versions user-defined settings and “last used items” were only saved/retrieved, when some personal data was available (like only retrieving for user xy, what xy had saved).
As you didn’t name the version you use, @Hrbrgr started with this “generic” hint.

I am using the latest version (v24.2.5)


TIL dots don’t count as characters.

The User name ties the user to the settings, any user name will do, M even.

Do you close LibreOffice before shutting down the system? If LibreOffice is not shut down properly then it cannot write to its configuration files.

Do you see a list of recovered files on opening LibreOffice? LibreOffice has crashed instead of shutting down. Try with a new profile, LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

I tried adding a user name, no change in behaviour. In fact I believe this not to be an issue since I prior to the issue occurring I put together my own toolbar to replace the default ones and that sticks.

LO appears to be shutting down as designed. No recovered files either.

This is a fresh install of LO