Win 8.1
Libre Office (64x)
Cannot open word docx created by word10.
Win 8.1
Libre Office (64x)
Cannot open word docx created by word10.
Same here
We fixed it updating to
I hope it helps you
I encountered the same error in Libre Office
After isolating the cause (reducing the Word document to the crash-making letters) I found, that Libre Office does not tolerate a generic font. In my case, it was “Courier” in Word. After replacing it by “Courier new” in Word, a font which is installed in windows, and saving the file, also Libre Office accepted the document.
I get the error ’ SEH exception: access violated ’ when do I assign a macro to an event of a Base form control button.
The program will cancel and the form disappears.
Windows7, LibreOffice 5.1.5