Select only certain words from autocomplete selection for modifying in LibreOffice Calc

I’m new in LibreOffice Calc but I need something to increase work speed.
For example I wrote in a cell the phrase: ‘colorful building is mine’. Then I moved down to the next cell and I want to write ‘colorful building is yours’. I press t character and autocomplete function displays selected text: ‘colorful building is mine’. I want to press a shortcut to deselect every ward from star to end. For example if I press shortcut to deselect ‘colorful’ word, and the selection remains on ‘building is mine’. If I press shortcut again to deselect ‘building’ word, and the selection remains on ‘is mine’. If I press shortcut again to deselect ‘is’ word, and the selection remains on ‘mine’. Then I write ‘yours’ and change entire phrase from ‘colorful building is mine’ into ‘colorful building is yours’. I press shortcut only three times and I type new word ‘yours’ that is very fine because it save me a lot of time.
Please, can somebody tell me how to proceed to do it?

Press F2, and the cursor will be at the end of the text. Then, with Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow you can select words one by one.

Thank you very much. It’s ok.