Situation: working with an email from Outlook and I need to copy IDs and change their related info in a sheet and web app. A long time ago MS had the brililant idea to un-highlight text you selected in any Office app when switching to a different app, because keeping it highlighted might confuse people. (And losing track of what you had selected is obviously not confusing /s)
This is one of the many, many reasons I use Calc and Writer over Excel and Word. (Unfortunately there is no alternative for Outlook.)
However, today I discovered that LO has a similar “feature”: when highlighting text in Writer and switching to a different LO app, the highlighted text is not highlighted anymore (until you switch back). This only happens when switching to an LO app, so this often isn’t a problem, but when working in Writer and Calc it is. (Luckily the easy solution for now is to just use notepad.)
Tested on 2 computers on a very old version (7.something) of LO and
I’d consider this a bug and would love to have this fixed! (Or is there something like a “use consistent selection highlighting” option I can’t find?)