Hi Guys,
I got a spreadsheet with this info in it:
Gramatik J_Tr J_w8 J_w57 J_w10 J_w58 J_w52
Steuersatz Computer wie wird das Wetter Übermorgen
Gramatik J_Tr J_w8 J_w57 J_w10 J_w58 J_w47
Steuersatz Computer wie wird das Wetter Heute
Gramatik J_Tr J_w45 J_w50 J_w47
Steuersatz Computer Wetterbericht für Heute
Gramatik J_Tr J_w8 J_w15 J_w48 J_w59
Steuersatz Computer wie ist die Windstärke
Gramatik J_Tr J_w8 J_w60 J_w48 J_w56
Steuersatz Computer wie sind die Windverhältnisse
Gramatik J_Tr J_w63 J_w49 J_w61 J_w62
Steuersatz Computer welche Mondphase haben
Gramatik J_Tr J_w49
Steuersatz Computer Mondphase
As you can see there are cells with “J_wNUMBER” the NUMBER starts with 1 and goes up. I want to be able to find always the highest number in the whole spreadsheet with the text prefix “J_w”.
With the text prefix, the cells are not formated as Numbers, so DMAX did not work
In this example the highest value would be: J_w63 (in its own cell)
Best solution would be if in one cell with the formular, the highest value would appear. But it would be also ok if i just jumped to highest value or that it gets highlighted…
How can this be done ?
Many thanks