Setting base form window position: Min 7 px space on the left

My base form is using ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow.setPosSize() to open the form in the same position the user used it last time.
Setting it to the left side of the screen however doesn’t work: there will be at least 7 px space, which means, setting the x position less than 8 px has no effect. The y position works fine.
Anybody has a solution?


On Mint 18.3 using LO v6.0.4 could not see a problem. Using:

  oCurrentController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
  oFrame = oCurrentController.getFrame()
  oContainerWindow = oFrame.getContainerWindow()
  oContainerWindow.setPosSize(0, 0, 500, 500, 3)

and called from Open Document event, the frame was positioned in upper left corner of screen.

If yours is not working, how exactly are you setting?

It might be a Windows 10-specific issue then. I use the same LO version,

I am setting the position in the form’s When loading event (since I want to position the form component, not the base document window), but I also tried as you said, in the document’s Open Document event, and the same thing is happening. For the fifth parameter I use 15, which sets the width and height too, but tried 3 too, and it makes no difference.

Well then, I just need to live with it, and inform the users about the bug.