Sheet "Move or Copy Sheet" function. How do I restore it?

Generating a large multi-sheet budget & no longer have the “Move or Copy Sheet” function. How do I restore it?


Go to Tools | Customise and click on the Context Menus tab; go to the second drop down list on the right - default is likely Cell - and scroll down to choose Sheet Tabs Bar. If Move or Copy Sheet isn’t there, you can add it from the function list on the left.

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And you will find Move or Copy Sheet function in the Edit category. Also can type “Move or Copy Sheet” in the Search field.

I did all this, added Move or Copy Sheet, but alas! Some files have sheets that I can copy or move, but some other files do not have that option.
Any suggestion what might be going on is welcome, thanks!

Upload a document where you can’t move/copy.

Oops sorry, I am a newbie… how do I upload a file?

Click on the up arrow icon,
Screenshot from 2022-02-05 10-26-13

Thanks I found the upload button.
It appears after clicking on Reply
I am no longer at work, Monday I will upload my file, thanks for your help today!

example of LIbre office where sheet cannot be moved.ods (87.8 KB)

This is the file that cannot move sheet.

You have Track Changes on, click Edit > Track Changes > Record (Ctrl+Shift+C) to toggle recording off then you can move or copy sheet.


Wow! Thanks a lot! That indeed solved the problem. How clever you are, thanks again.
Ciao have a nice day