I am currently using version
The reason I haven’t updated: The last time I updated I lost access to all files in the previous version. Why? I have no idea. So, since then I have been, shall we say, a bit hesitant. Now I see we are in effect, 17 versions ahead. Am I in Neverland? Should I Red Pill and go back to MS? Is there a reason one loses access to files when updating? IS this a bug that has been fixed? Thank you!
I assumed you’re under Window$ and perhaps not that tech-savvy.
The only reason I see to lose files is to store them in some “OS”, “system” or “internal” folder. If you store them in a user directory, like My Documents, you should not lose them, at least not on routine update.
You didn’t describe your routine. Once again, this is a guess, you rely on the startup screen to display the most recently used documents. This is a list maintained by LO, independent of anything which can happen outside of it.
As an example, you delete a document in the file explorer and LO does not know about it. Next time you open LO, the deleted file is still displayed (because LO was not notified about deletion) and when you try to access it, you get a pop-up telling you the file does not exist.
The reverse situation is: the recent document list is wiped out (I really mean “the list”, not the documents themselves). The startup screen is empty and you must start manually the component (Writer, Calc, …), then go through menu File
to manually select your document.
I suppose you’re in this latter case. After an update, the list is erased under Windows (why in this OS? I don’t know; does not occur under Linux), but your files are still there, in some directory. If you know which, navigate to this directory and you’ll see your files. If you have no idea where your documents are (this may happen if you don’t follow some sorting strategy), use the file explorer find function to search for your documents (provided you remember at least part of a name).
Updating to a recent version is always a good thing: bugs have been fixed, security is usually enhanced and you could receive support from developers should you bump into a new bug.
One last advice: learn how to use efficiently your computer. This is not a matter of OS. It is a matter of organising one’s job the same as you would do in your office with drawers full of folders containing documents. The more you sort out things, the easier your life with computers.
Thank you! You are absolutely correct. I’d rather be using a pencil. Maybe a quill (although I’m a vegan, so maybe not). But I will take your advice, gracefully. One thing that confuses me, often, among others, is the description on the updates advising that the update seems to be intended for “technology” or “business” users, and I am merely a simple writer. So I feel as though I should avoid such updates, perhaps even though they may contain useful advances.
Since I am not under Window$, I have no idea about the warnings or notifications which come with the automatic update check under this OS. Generally speaking, if you go to the official LO site, the download page offers you a choice between “stable” (or production-quality) and “early-adoption” versions. The latter is still in the testing/verification phase and is provided so that “enthusiasts” can test it, thus helping developers to debug the “next” version.
The update message wording may create confusion about these variants. Feel assured, however. If your version is a “stable” one, it will update to the next “stable” one. Switching to éadvanced" version requires a manual operation.
In your case, will update to or 24.2.x.y depending on how “recent” is your OS and how the update process is centrally configured (at LO site).
And thanks, once again…
So, deciphering…
There are two “streams” of LO in process? A “7.6” and “24.2” version. I suppose I now have to do some research to discover which is more appropriate to my meager needs (probably staying with 7.6).
But you are implying, I think, that the update would be “automatic” and in my years with LO that has never been the case. As you can tell, I hope, I have never adopted the position of an “enthusiast” when downloading any version. Therefore I would assume every download I’ve undergone has been “stable.”
When I go to the download site, the 7.6.7 is offered, manually… Oh, well.
But I believe, with your assistance, I’m off to a good start. Thank you again.
My desktop and my laptop have different configurations due to issues with the nVidia graphics card on the desktop. Desktop “stable” release is (because I can’t update the OS) and laptop “stable” is 24.2.x.y (my laptop is not running just now, so I can’t tell which version got installed)… I’d consider 24.2 to be “production-quality”.
By “automatic” I meant the feature will choose the “best” “current” version for you but the decision remains yours. LO won’t update without your consent.
When using LO I deal virtually exclusively with text and only go into “production” issues on the rarest of occasions. So I think sticking with 7.6 sounds like the way to proceed. Again, thanks.
Fear not, the version difference you mention isn’t some quantum leap, merely the Document Foundation deciding to change the numbering scheme to something different starting with version 24 (for the year 2024).
AH! Brilliant! And thank you!