Showing hidden columns in calc

I have hidden columns in a spreadsheet that won’t show. I highlight columns on either side, right click and on the menu I click show hidden and nothing happens. I can hide new columns.

The hidden columns are still there because their value shows up in my calculations.

The problem is that I need to up date the item prices to reflect current costs.

Assuming the hidden column is C. Press Ctrl+Shift+T and type C1, then choose menu Format - Column - Width…, give it a value, and OK.

If that don’t work, it may be a corruption of the user profile. Take a look at the LibreOffice Help on Safe Mode.

By the way: Are you saving in .odt .ods format?

I tried that and got a long row of TTTT.
I normaly save in .xls format so I’m compatible with others but in this case trying to figure this out I also saved it in .ods.



If your columns are just having a very small column width and not smaller than about 0.005", they are not hidden but nevertheless invisible. Therefore

  • Select colums right and left to your “hidden / invisible” columns
  • Right click -> Column Width
  • Set a reasonable value (e.g. 1")

Hope that helps

I tried that with the same result that it didn’t show the hidden columns. I can hide columns but not show them. I have also tried it on my laptop and they won’t show. thanks

In the (1)Name box, type a cell for the hidden column and (2)Enter, then the (3)(4)Show column icon.

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Sorry that also didn’t work.


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After rereading what you said I noticed that I had missed that I needed to press Enter. When I did that it did show the column that I entered.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.

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