showing or hideing a part of the text if check box is checked or not int text doc

hello everyone! I’m a real beginner. I’d like to make a text document, a questionnaire in which I’ve placed check boxes. I’d like to make it so that if I check a “yes” option check box, a text section appears, and if “no” is checked, that text section remains hidden. For example, at the beginning of the questionnaire, I ask what the gender is and the following text section only appears if the person is female. I know that this could be done in google forms, but I’d like it in a text document like this, so that I can print it out in a more compact format and the patient can sign it.

“Dynamic text” is not really a job for a document processor where the result is rather “static”. I guess you probably have also a database to record answers. So, you should try Base, the database frontend component. But it is likely that the forms you create with it are not “dynamic” enough (unless you chain simpler queries on different pages).

Personally, I’d rather go for more sophisticated tools based on frameworks like Django.

PS: to get spot-on answers, always mention OS name, LO version and, when dealing with a document, save format.