Shrink To Fit Cell Size problem

Since a few weeks Shrink To Fit Cell Size does not work (cell 2 in the image)
If I use Clear Direct Formatting, the text, while maintaining the same Font Size, is reduced to an almost illegible size aligned at the bottom left (cell 3 of the image)
Furthermore, the text in cell 2 is not visible in the print preview.
Some idea?


I created a new file. It seems all ok but in print celle 3 is again reduced to an almost illegible size aligned at the bottom left

Untitled 1.ods (10.4 KB)

It looks like tdf#143978 for shrink to fit, although present earlier it is more noticeable in LO 7.2. according to bug report. The text I see in is bigger than the same text in
The text in cell 2 not being visible in print preview does not occur on my PC. You would probably have to share a sample spreadsheet showing the problem. Click the pencil icon to edit your question and upload an .ods file. Cheers, Al

That appears to be bug tdf#143978.

Try latest version LibreOffice 7.2.4

I have the same problem on a Mac with LO Either no shrinking at all or a weird over-shrinking with microscopic characters. I would appreciate a tip or a fix from the programmers. Thanks.

That isn’t an answer.

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