Simple percentage formula delivers rounded answer

I am using LibreOffice On a spreadsheet in Calc I have two cells - one reads £2555 (P27) and one reads £2650 (R27) and a formula in a third cell that is =(R27-P27)*100/P27. I want to know the increase from one cell to the other as a percentage. The cell taking the answer is formatted to be “number” and 2 decimal places. I would expect the answer to be 3.72 but without fail it delivers 4.00 - doubtless my lack of knowledge on the formula front is causing this to happen but could somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have tried looking through the settings and Googling too but cannot find a solution. Many thanks.

Please upload your .ods type sample file here.

use Formula:


and tick the % button on the formatting toolbar

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I am so stupid and I am so sorry!

I have spent ages on this and it is only because you both kindly responded that caused me to see my error.

This spreadsheet is for household accounts. I have a line with the figures as they are likely to be and therein a percentage calculation that should show the the increase which so far is 3.72%. Below this I have last year’s figure and the increase we would like to keep to which is 4.00% - by error the formula I had entered was showing the wrong line.

It seems like such a stupid error and I am sorry to have elicited your help when it was unnecessary.

I have spent several hours looking for a complex cause when it was my silly error. Once again my humble apologies