Snapping and measurements problem

Hi everyone, I have made a post last month regarding Draw having serious problems when it comes to exported files: Saving a vector graphics file properly

This might be a continuation of it. I have checked this both on Impress and Draw as well.
In my case, I have a page that is both 30 mm in height and width. If I have 2 squares with one being on top of the other, there is going to be a very thin line between them.
Their Y positions are 0.00 mm and 15.00. So, there should be no space between them. I have also attempted to snap them to each other by activating the “snap to object points” function. which did exactly the same thing. Is this a bug again, or am I missing something obvious? I have uploaded the file for everyone to see.
Thanks in advance

multicolor creator draft.odg (9.8 KB)

I don’t see a problem with triangles and EMF; I don’t see a line with these rectangles. I use

Could it be that it was fixed in your version, although I doubt it.
I am on Version: (X86_64). If you create two rectangles with no lines and have them snap to each other, are they going to connect seamlessly or is there a line just as in this picture?
Regarding the previous post, the problem goes deeper than that. When a file is saved as emf/svg/probably any other vector graphics file and then used as an image to fill an area, you can see white gaps on “stretched” mode. I can reproduce this and share my results if you want to see them again.

I don’t see a white line when I export it to png at 300 dpi, 30mm, but I do with svg if I open the svg in Inkscape. Importing the svg in Draw does not show a line.

I suppose that tdf#161558 applies to this as the objects are without lines, only fill, which is the requirement to demonstrate that (export?) bug.

Yeah, with PNG you might not see it, but it is a raster graphics format.
However, when it comes to .svg or .emf, the problem is two-sided. There is a very think white lines around the borders, but there is a much thicker line when you choose that image for a shape in Draw/Writer/Impress.

So - is that line in export??? It was never mentioned (unlike your other question).

All 4 of these rectangles are made in LibreOffice. It doesn’t make sense because there should be no gap between them. Each rectangle is 15 mm in legth and width and the adjacent rectangles are exactly 15 mm away. Even if you “snap” them, you get the same result.

You won’t see a line here because the rectangles are of different colors. Try making them the same colors and you should see it. In the picture I sent, there is a vertical line as well, it is just “camouflaged” because of the color difference.

But it’s your file, and there are four rectangles, in pairs of same color, no?
Here is one of them selected. There is no line between it and the one above (of the same color):

I understand. In your case, I don’t see the horizontal line. Does that horizontal line “pop up” if you zoom in or out arbitrarily? If you try to export this file as png or emf/svg, would you see a small gap in the middle?
In the file I sent, the Y coordinate of the top and bottom rectanges was exactly off by 15mm, is it case with this one as well?

No it doesn’t. 3000% zoom:

And their y coordinates? I see a line at maximum zoom as well and also If I exported this file, it would be visible too. For me, the top left rectange has X=0.00 mm and Y=0.00 mm. The bottom left has X=0.00 mm and Y=15.00 mm

And their coordinates are indeed [0.00mm, 0.00mm] and [0.00mm, 15.00mm]

I see the line, when I disable Skia rendering.

When you don’t see the line, does it pop up if you export it as png/emf/svg?
Then I guess I have Skia rendering disabled?

According to LibreOffice Help, there should be an option to enable Skia rendering here, which I don’t see for some reason…

Please try to use clear language. What does the “pop up” might mean? Suddenly appear in the same editing session of the ODG? In Draw, when I open the exported file in it? in Windows Paint, when I open the file? In MS Word (that shows it in vector)?

Aha, your previously hidden system information start to appear partially… are you on Linux?

By “pop up” I mean that after you export the file and zoom it in, you see that there is indeed a small gap and those two rectangles didn’t connect seamlessly after all. My expectation is that if you “snap” two rectangles that have a length of 15 mm each and their coordinates are off by 15 mm, mathematically speaking, there should be no gap between them?
Yes, I am on Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3, to be exact.
If Enabling Skia rendering would fix this issue, please let me know how I should proceed with enabling it. I do recall that sometime in the past, I managed to snap squares without them leaving this line, but it could have been either on Linux or Windows, as I periodically use both.

You see a drawing artifact. It may be present in export, if the same drawing backend is used.
Here is a PNG exported with 300x300 mm size and default PPI:

No line, as you see

Here is the EMF, renamed to BMP to please the site:

multicolor creator draft.emf.bmp (1.3 KB)

It opens fine, without any lines, in other programs that open this vector format, like MS Word

And there is no Skia on Linux yet, unfortunately.

When I disable Skia, and export the PNG, I see the line, as expected, because the same engine is used for display and graphical export.

I opened your .emf file to test and this is what I got:

I was under the impression that LibreOffice should be better supported in Linux…
The main thing is that snapping should leave no gaps at all, right? I do hope there is another setting that would make this issue go away…

It is not a gap. It is a rendering artifact.
And indeed, no matter how hard you try, when your rendering engine has this problem for the ideally adjacent boxes, you will see it for my EMF, or your ODG, or it-doesn’t -matter-how-generated correctly positioned objects.