Snipping and pasting

I really like Libre Office, but I have been plagued with the inability to snip and paste anything onto a page without it covering what I had previously snipped and pasted. I’ve tried everything I could think of, including uninstalling and reinstalling. How can I stop that? Also, when I want to add text it won’t let me put it where I want it to go. Can you please help?

Click Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - Formatting aids and click insert images As character

Note that due to the limitations of the Windows clipboard, pasting from the clipboard always embeds the image as png. This will increase file size. It is better to Insert - Image and it will keep its original format, e.g. JPG. You could instead drag it from the file manager onto the page which also inserts it in its original format.

I just take a snip (w/o using clipboard) and paste it immediately onto the Libre page. Can you reply speaking down to me so that I understand? I just want to stop the paste over previous work. Thank you
Christine Roy

Sorry, I just adjusted my settings in Tools, I hope it works for me. That paste over paste is driving me crazy! (a short drive, I’ll admit). Thank you again.
Christine Roy