This sub:
sub setColWidth(aCol as integer, width as single)
' column width (in 100ths of mm)
Dim oDoc As Object
oDoc = ThisComponent
Dim oSheet As Object
oSheet = thisComponent.getSheets.getByName( ETF_currentSheet )
Dim oColumn As Object
oColumn = oSheet.getColumns.getByIndex( aCol )
oColumn.setPropertyValue("Width", width)
end sub
called like this:
sub sample()
Dim oDoc As Object
oDoc = ThisComponent
Dim oSheet As Object
oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet
Dim aCol as integer
aCol = lastCol - lastPriceOffset - 1
setColWidth (aCol, 0.75) ' Basic syntax error: expected '='
End Sub
This error occurs at compile time before even the first step into the sub ‘sample’,
pointing immediately to the setColWidth()
[Edit - Opaque] Removed <pre>
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