SOLVED - Can't open Forms - Java problem?

Since posting this earlier, I downloaded Java again and all is well now. I think I mistakenly downloaded a 32 bit version at first. I’ve just installed the 64 bit version and that has worked. I must make a note of this in future.

OK so I’m using a Win 10 laptop (latest software on 22H2) and Libreoffice Just tried opening my Base database and I’m getting messages that I don’t understand but that are pointing towards Java being a problem. So I downloaded and installed the latest Java 8 (Version 8 Update 431), shut down the laptop and restarted - same problem. I have three sceenshots but can’t now see how to attach them here.

I’ll create the topic first and see if I can find a way to attach screenshots after that. Thanks.

OK so it seems I can’t attach screenshots. So - once I’ve cleared down the first error messages, as the db tries to open a form on startup, I then get the following message when I manually try to open a form:

“The Connection to the data source “XXXXX” cannot be established. No Java installation could be found”

So I go to Tools/Options/Advanced and see that “Use Java runtime environment” is ticked and it says “Java runtime environments already installed:” and below is an empty window.

Should there be something in that window? I’ve never been here before. If I need to add something to that window, how do I identify it? Thanks.

From Tools>Options>Advanced click on the Add button to open the file picker.

For a typical Windows environment using a JRE from Oracle navigate to C:\Program Files\Java:
You should see a folder for the 64Bit JRE you installed.

On my system it is jre1.8.0_291

Click the Select Folder button and it should be added to the window at Tools>Options>Advanced

If there are no folders at C:\Program Files\Java it means you have no valid JRE installed.

Personally I prefer the JRE from Adoptium, They are usually quicker with updates and bug fixes than Oracle

You want Windows X64 JRE in the ,msi format,

Thanks for that.