[SOLVED] Sum Start:Variable End

I am trying to construct a pay table.
There are 12 pay ranks, each of which have associated Bonus and Vacation rates.
I am using VLOOKUP with the variable pay rank. The problem lies that if at a Pay rank of “10” found in A11 which VLOOKUP gives a Bonus of “8” I also need the outcome to add up the Bonus for Pay ranks 1-9.

Something like =SUM(D2:VLOOKUP(G7,A2:E12,4,0)) conceptually looks right, a range from D2 to wherever the end of that is (D11 in this case) though, clearly that didn’t work. :slight_smile:

I hope I’ve explained this well enough.

If your “rank” actually is the number given in column A (incremented by 1 per row), you dont need any lookup. For your rank entered into G7 e.g. the bonus sum would simply be =SUMPRODUCT($A$2:$A$13<=$G$7;$D2:$D$13). (Don’t worry about the misleading name of the function.)
There are alternative formulas you might use. One of them:
=SUMIF($A$2:$A$13;"<=" & $G$7;$D$2:$D$13)

Oh; most excellent! Thank you, so very, very much. You’ve saved me many hours.

I have a follow-up question in the same chart. If I made a new box showing a given person’s on-time shifts (the Low and High columns) in say, G8, and they were at 136 (Pay Rank 7) and showed up for 5 consecutive shifts (so G8 now reads 141) do you know of a way for a quick output to update their target shifts from 140 to 204?

(If I should re-post as a new question, or this doesn’t make sense [sorry] please let me know)

“Chart” is the term used for graphical representations of numeric data (diagrams).

Sorry. Don’t know the terms you used, and the image doesn’t help.
Attach a sheet also containing the results you want to achieve, and explaining them in terms generally unambigous, or also explained in turn.

Remove the [SOLVED] from the title if you want additional contributors to try an answer.
Probably reword the subject to make the topic clear. I also entered the thread just routinely without having an idea what kind the question would actually be.