Sort won't save in xlsx

Hi guys, I have a custom sort set in three sheets in a file. I defined the range for each of the sheets and then the custom sort.

My problem is when I save the file as xlsx, the sort is gone the next time I open the file. I tested saving it as an obs file and it does seem to save the custom sorts. Is this a limitation of the xlsx format, or a bug?


EDIT: I noticed I was on 7.0, and there’s already I updated, and the behavior is the same.

EDIT 2: Maybe I wasn’t clear. What I want is not for the records to be sorted in the same way, but for the sort menu to have the same columns and order selected when I press the sort button, Meaning I can add a record, press the sort button, then OK, and my custom sort will be applied. This is what I have when I save the file:

And when I open it again, the first column is selected, and my sort is gone. I can’t post another picture for some reason.

Works for me:
ordered_numbers.xlsx (8.1 KB)

Try adding a column and setting the sort for the other column, descending. I.E, something different to the default sort.

I just tried it myself on your file and it doesn’t save.

ordered_text.xlsx (8.3 KB)

As you can see, the sort that you saved with isn’t saved.

In ODS, sort is stored in a table:sort element. In XLSX, it is stored in sortState element. It is often that Calc does not support (yet) some features of external file formats. Besides the usual “use native file formats” advise, the only thing that one could suggest you is to file the issue appropriately.


Ok, thank you. I guess I’ll just use ods.

Of course you’ve got to use ods when working with LibreOffice Calc. Or would you use ods when working with Excel? No, you would import ods into Excel and save your own working copy as xlsx, work with the xlsx and finally export to ods in order to pass the file over to some user who needs ods. Even if Excel messed up the exported ods, you still have the working copy in the native file format of your application.
Likewise, you import xlsx into Calc and save your own working copy as ods, work with the ods and finally export to xlsx in order to pass the file over to some user who needs xlsx. Even if Calc messed up the exported xlsx, you still have the working copy in the native file format of your application.

Well, the software supports the xlsx format, so I’d expect it to be fully featured.

No software supports foreign file formats completely.