I am new to LibreOffice, trying to convert to it from Excel and am having a problem sorting data.
The following is a picture of the first few rows on the sheet. There are formulae in the G-L columns that extract information from cells B & C or use a home grown function.
I am trying to sort columns A-L using L as the primary sort and I as a secondary field and there are 66 rows to be sorted.
When I sort, I get those rows where column J’s value equals column K’s value first, sorted correctly followed by the rows where J and K are not equal, again sorted correctly. However, I want them all sorted Greedy Points order rather than 2 “sections”.
Formulae in each column (included in case it has a bearing on why my sort does not work as it does in excel):
Column G : =PROPER(TRIM(LEFT(B2,FIND("(",B2)-1)))
Column H : =IF(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(G2,AA$5:AB$64,2,0),"White")=0,"White",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(G2,AA$5:AB$64,2,0),"White"))
Column I: =IF(OR(C2="DQ",C2="WD"),-99,C2)
Column J: =IF(H2="White",INT(MID(B2,FIND("(",B2)+1,FIND(")",B2)-FIND("(",B2)-1))-1,IF(H2="Red",INT(MID(B2,FIND("(",B2)+1,FIND(")",B2)-FIND("(",B2)-1))-2,INT(MID(B2,FIND("(",B2)+1,FIND(")",B2)-FIND("(",B2)-1))))
Column K: =GET_HANDICAP(G2,J2)
This function returns an integer based on the name (G2) and Club Handicap (J2) and a Greedy Handicap that may exist on another sheet in the same workbook.
Column L: =IF(I2=-99,-99,IF(J2=K2,I2,I2+(K2-J2)))
I have set the Iterations to 2 in the Options as I found column L Gets “ERR:522” without it - coincidentally, these are the same rows where column J does not equal column K.
Any help/guidance you can give will be much appreciated.