Special characters in formula for Base report

In formatting a report in Base, I want to concatenate two fields in a single space, provided that they both contain data, and I want to place them on separate lines. The point is that, if I define two report fields, one above the other, these will always occupy two lines in the report, since they do not shrink to zero height when empty.
I thought that it might be possible to place a formula in the single field something like this:
= [Field1] & (IF IsBLANK([Field2]);; CRLF & [Field2])

I have tried CHR(13) for this, but the formula does not seem to recognize the CHR function. Is there a way of doing this?

That’s because the function’s name is CHAR instead, so CHAR(13) and to actually get CrLf you also want it be followed by & CHAR(10)

Unfortunately that made no difference (I did try both CHR and CHAR). My latest experiment - simplified as far as possible - used the formula
"Line 1"&char(13)&char(10)&"Line 2"
Without the special characters, the output, as expected, was “Line 1Line2”. With them added, the output was blank.

Use separate report controls for “Line 1” and “Line 2”.
Alternatively, you can concatenate the strings in a query:
SELECT "Line 1" || CHAR(10) || "Line 2" AS "Concatenation" FROM "somewhere". If the report control is tall enough, the 2 lines are displayed correctly. I’ve just tested.
Any operation with a Null value returns Null.
SELECT COALESCE("Line 1" || CHAR(10). '') || COALESCE("Line 2", '') AS "Concatenation" FROM "somewhere" should take care of this, showing either one string or none.

I am sorry, I cannot get that to work, but maybe I am not understanding you correctly. I am aware of the issue with nulls and fields with zero-length strings (not the same, and it seems that both have to be allowed for); but it does not seem to me that the data source for a report control accepts an SQL statement.
In a previous incarnation of this database (in the late lamented Paradox) an empty field in a report could shrink to zero height, but this seems not to be the case in LibreOffice Base (hence using separate controls one above the other does not achieve what I want).

Store the SELECT statement as a query and make that query source of your report.
persons_concat.odb (17.2 KB)

Auto Grow of a field in a report will work like automatic row height in a Writer table. Min-height will be the height of the font. So you couldn’t create a field with a defined font and shrink it, if there is no content.

Your report depends of a datasource. Might be a table, a query or a view. I would only use tables or views for a report, because Report Builder might have problems to analyze the code of a query. In a view you could concatenate two fields to one with a linebreak like @Villeroy has shown. The code depends on the type of database you use.

Do you use internal HSQLDB, Firebird or which database do you use?

another user had the same issue, checkout this thread:

The source of my report is a table, held externally to LibreOffice in an SQLite database, which is itself the answer to a complex query. HOWEVER, the solution to my problem was revealed by the link to the other thread on a similar issue. While neither ‘CHR(13)’ nor ‘CHAR(13)’ was recognized in the formula for the report control, '[Field1]&UNICHAR(13)&[Field2]' is and generates the desired second line (without UNICHAR(10))!
Thank you, cpb, for that link!