Background info: parameter UnbreakableNumberings=true
is found to cause curious behaviour with graph positioning - see screenshots below.
I found that the above parameter defaults to false. Why/how it was set to true in some own documents is not traceable. Upon source code query I found an enum DocumentSettingId where a group of flags is marked as “COMPATIBILITY FLAGS” and then some other flags (DocumentSettingAccess.hxx). Some of those other flags, like EMBED(_USED)_FONTS are actually settable in File->Properties->Font
However, when I invert all Compatibilty Options in Tools->Options->Libreoffice Writer->Compatibilty
, the above parameter is not affected, as well as some other parameters, e.g. the enums SMALL_CAPS_PERCENTAGE_66 and CLIPPED_PICTURES.
When I set SmallCapsPercentage66 into settings.xml to true, then I indeed see smaller small caps.
UnbreakableNumberings=true (note the numbering under the anchor):
UnbreakableNumberings=false (the anchor is placed as intended, on the left text margin:
I’d appreciate any comment on this issue.