Spell check on uppercase words doesn't work


I have Libre Office 4.1 on Mac OS 10.8.4

I try to configure the spell checker to suggest mistakes on uppercase words. I go to LibreOffice / Preferences / Lenguage Settings / Writing Aids / Options / and check the “Check uppercase words” verification box, but the spell checker continous unchecking the mistakes on uppercase words.

In lowercase words the spell checker works well.

Any idea?


Go to Options/Language Settings/Writing Aids. In the Options Box on the right tick “Check Upper Case Words”

I did that but not work.

Sorry I meant to add something at the end but you got there before I finished, I found I had to disable the Quickstarter and restart before the option took.

i can´t find the option to disable the quickstarter. I try LibreOffice / Preferences / LibreOffice / Memory… but not available… Any suggestion?