Spell checker not working for US English on MAC v4.4.1


I’ve been trying to get the spell checker to work properly but without luck.
I’m on a MAC on Yosemite.
I did install the product and it’s all set to US English.
Any text I write not being English won’t be flagged as incorrect.
However if I make the writer UK English it will perform the spellchecking to satisfaction and the RED waves will appear under the erroneous text.
This has been since 4.3.
It seems like the US version hasn’t been tested for this US English dictionary.
I hope this can be solved soon.
Thanks for your help.

May I propose to file a bug report here: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/
Please note that for selecting the LibO version you need to scroll the Version list up

Thanks for your input, I’ll follow your suggestion.