I am using Libreoffice base (x64) on Windows 10 with embedded HSQLDB database for now. I have setup a database with tables, queries and forms in order to write invoices and keep control of a stock situation. Not many invoices, say 50-60 per year.
Since I am moving forward with the project, I understand that it is much safer to split the database instead of using the embedded HSQLDB. I also understand that once this has happened the tables might not be able to be altered anymore, is that correct? also, what is the simplest way to move forward from here baring in mind that I would like to keep the work that I have already done (tables, quries, forms etc…). Can I just copy this into the new split database? Please bear in mind that I am a newbie and have limited knowledge although I am learning.
Thanking you in advance for an answer.