When trying to run a previously viable database, I get the message
Create a new database JDBC/HSQL
database engine/Non-embeded data
files OPtionally provide a name for
your back-end data files. Note: the
particular name is not important. The
default below will suffice. mydb.
*The connection to the data source “Member_DB_split” could not be
established. USER not found SA .
Check ok.
I hit x in the upper corner of the screen since I did not want to create a new database.
Going to Dropbox I see that in the folder containing my split database the file mydb.script has been renamed mydb.script.new. If I rename mydb.script.new to mydb.script, I can again run my database.
I also sometimes get a mydb.properties and an added mydb.properties.new file in the database folder.
What is going on? This all happens infrequently, and I can’t get a handle on what might cause the problem.