I think I know the answer but would like confirmation please. I deleted a spreadsheet in error. Is there any way for me to get it back or will I have to go through the whole process again? thank you . Barbwire47
A whole spreadsheet document (a file)? Have a look at the trash bin.
A sheet within a spreadsheet document? menu:Edit>Undo [Ctrl+Z] should work until you save and close the document.
In any other case: No backup, no mercy.
If backups were turned on in Tools > Options > Load/Save > General > Always create a backup copy then there might be a backup. To find such a backup copy, find the backup path in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths and open that folder in a file manager and copy your backup to somewhere suitable.
If you deleted a Google Sheets spreadsheet, check the Google Drive trash folder (within 30 days). If it’s there, restore it. If not, or if you’re using Microsoft Excel, sorry, it’s likely gone forever. Time to recreate it