Standard toolbar (single mode) with Fullscreen view?

In Writer, if I have the “Standard toolbar (single mode)” on and I go into Fullscreen mode, that toolbar is kept on top, which is something I like.

However, if I go out of Fullscreen mode and I return afterwards, the toolbar is gone and I don’t know how to get it back.

Can someone help me?

Please read the guide.
Which OS? Which LibreOffice-Version?

It works for me: Windows 10, Version 1809, 64-Bit; LibreOffice, Version: (x64)

EDIT_1 All toolbars can be toggled on and off in the menu View>Toolbars.

If this is not possible, try resetting your user profile.

Is it intentional that the toolbar is black?

EDIT_2 Here you can see what it looks like with me. Unfortunately, the UI is in german.

image description

Windows 10 x86_64, version 6.1.2.

See my edited answer.

@Hrbrgr On Mint 18.3 with LO v6.1.0.3 I see the same problem as @jgrand. Keep in mind this is full screen using Ctrl+Shift+J or from menu View->Full Screen. It only displays first time when doc is opened. It appears it may be a bug.

Yes, the black toolbar is intentional.
The problem isn’t toggling. The problem is that the toolbar disappears when I go into Fullscreen a second time.

@Ratslinger Thanks for the hints. As I said under Win-10 it works for me without problems.

If you go Fullscreen, do you have the toolbar? And does it stay there if you go out and in again?

Have deleted my last comment. If I open document in safe mode there seems to be no problem. Will do more testing but it appears @Hrbrgr is correct about it being something in the User Profile.

After much more testing, once the toolbar is turned on, that is where all the problems begin. There seems to be a number of different related bugs; like no way to turn that tool bar off and work correctly, & only single mode toolbar seems to work. Only way to completely reset is to reset User Profile. That doesn’t solve the problem. Report as bug on Bugzilla.

Thanx @Ratslinger! I actually like the toolbar and would like to keep it on ahahah

@Hrbrgr Your procedure is incomplete. When the FullScreen button is displayed, right click it and display the toolbar. Then try Ctrl+Shift+J. That is where the problem is.

@Ratslinger, ok now she is gone.